
Graduate from Imitation to Set Your Yoga Free - Shut Up & Yoga Article

Graduate from Imitation to Set Your Yoga Free - Shut Up & Yoga Article

Erich Schiffmann’s discoveries about self-practice have influenced and empowered thousands of yogis teaching and practicing today, culminating in a style he calls Freedom Yoga. This unpretentious teacher has left an enduring mark on a generation of yogis and teachers inspired by his take on making the shift from doing someone else’s yoga to doing your own.

Rebooting to Life, Live

Rebooting to Life, Live

Earlier this month I spent a week at the Feathered Pipe Ranch sharing the “Mindful Unplug Experience.” It's a retreat I was involved in co-creating but that only came to life thanks to imaginative co-guides and the spectacularly brave people who took the leap and showed up. Here's the miracle: everyone shared a commitment to finding ways not only to "better tolerate” our stricken and confused human condition, but to being willingly present to life for the sake of its full flowering.