Isolation is sneaky. It disguises itself as self-sufficiency, as rest, as an understandable response to overwhelming times. But left unchecked, it wears us thin, dulls our edges, makes everything feel heavier than it should.
Might our senses offer more capacity for Knowing than fickle and capricious thoughts?
It's an ongoing lifetime education for any of us bold or foolish enough to sit in the teacher's seat — learning to look at a room full of differently 'posed' bodies. With instruction cues focused less on the gross outer forms and more on the imperative to breathe into harmonious, liberating alignment from the inside out.
It's temping, common, and understandable that in the closing days of 2020, our attention and conversation revolves around overwhelming evidence of disunity. Yet we're bound together not only by common wounds, but also by the brief, indispensable mercies that can appear out of nowhere when we need them most.